I'd appreciate if any of the VT100MkII owners can share their thoughts about this amp.

I am considering this amplifier.
It will be run via balanced cables with the rest of my ARC components - LS-25MkI preamp and CD3MkII cd player.

Cabling is Acoustic Zen Silver RefII from CD3MkII to LS-25 and Matrix RefII from LS-25 to amp. Speaker cables are Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun.

Questions I have about the VT100MkII amp:
1) What is its sonic signature? Is it relaxed, laid back, forward?

2) How hot does this amplifier get?

3) How audible is the fan noise from about 7-8 feet away at low volume listening?

4) Will it manage to drive my B&W N803 speakers?

5)Any issues such as reliability aside from re-tubing?

I listen mostly to rock, blues, jazz and some classical. I like natural, dynamic presentation, but not harsh, analytical or forward sounding. Imaging and soundstaging is important. Good bass is a MUST.

I have listened to this amplifier before and the only think I remember is that I really liked it but it was long time ago and it was driving speakers that are easier on amplifiers than my N803s are.

Thanks very much for your thoughts!

Showing 1 response by johnk

I owned the mk2 and mk3 if you can the mk3 is better sounding. Still very nice sound with mk2. A good amp if priced is fair. Runs warm as do all tube amps with power.