ARC VSi75SE v. MF Nu-Vista 800

I have an offer to purchase either an Audio Research VSi75SE or a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 800 at roughly the same price, new-in-box.  But there's no way for me to audition either in-person beforehand.  Does anybody have an opinion, based on first-hand experience, comparing the two components' sound quality?

These integrateds would be powering a pair of Harbeth C7-ES3 speakers with a MartinLogan sub.  They'll also do double-duty powering the front channels of a home theater, and will be connected to non-TV digital sources by a DAC/streamer, maybe a HiFi Rose.

Functionality issues make either candidate a compromise.  E.g., the ARC has no HT bypass, headphone jack, or sub out, and family members will give me grief about tube warm-up when they just want to watch TV.  And the Harbeths, despite a nominal 25wpc spec, would definitely benefit from the Nu-Vista's 300wpc.  OTOH, the MF has all the connectivity I need, but it's big and heavy, which will present problems in my room (and to my elderly back).

I'll work all that out, one way or the other, but rght now, my threshold issue is sonics.  I realize that both companies have distinct "house sounds" so I'd love to hear from anyone with first-hand experience comparing the two.



Showing 1 response by runwell

It seems there is a lot of items discussed here

1,The sound is right or not

2, The installation and operation is easy or not.

3, The basic model is valuable or not.

I am a guy to pay Audio research with more than 20 years.

1, The sound is right with Audio Research? YES 

Audio Research might have a lot of marketing problem,but the sound is very good.

By the way,I also understand the amplifeir MF. I have no good impression on their sound althought it is fully subjective.

2,The installation is easy or not. 

With Audio Research, I will say NO. I have VT100 MKIII,I change the bias myself with VOLT meter. The products is not so nice to clients.

But there is a point here. Auto bias is not the best way in my opinion.  

With auto bias,the machine bring the IC and the IC running all the time,and interfere the circuit. DO YOU THINK IT IS BEST FOR THE SOUND???\


3, Does basic model value the money? Just like I/50.  

If you are talking about the sound,you best buy a old model from used market.

If you talk about the re-sell price, Audio Resaerch still good or better than most of brand.

I have my bad example here, I bought a 300B amp with no name,although the inside circuit is hand made, If I like to sell,it is very hard and I am doubt if I can get back 30% value.