ARC Reference 10 melting polycarbonate cover

Any similar experience? The 6550c tubes are melting the poly cover in the first 7 hours of usage...

Showing 2 responses by lostbears

Yes, It is a poorly designed cover. There should have been a circular opening above the 6550 tube. ARC says that the poly cover sounds better than metal. I have a Ref 5se with both metal and poly covers. I can't hear any difference. ARC has had so many problems with the poly covers that you would think they would do something. The new Ref 6 also has a poly cover.

Complain to your dealer. ARC will send him a replacement metal cover. I would do it soon as I have heard that ARC may not get more metal covers when they run out.

I am a bit concerned about the heat build up inside the case when using either cover. I keep my Ref 5se in a rack and don't a cover. It has much better ventilation this way.

Theo, I can't hear any difference with the cover off. Though I have heard this theory for years. I tried this experiment years ago with my LS25 mk2 and could not hear any difference then either.

The problem with the Ref preamps is that the top of the 6550 tube is very close to the poly cover. This causes a slight upward circular bump in the cover. It still happens with proper ventilation. I have an open rack with about 5 inches above my Ref 5se.

That said, The Ref 5se is an incredible preamp. I can only image how much better the Ref 10 is.