ARC PH-3SE Versus PH-5

Anyone had the chance to compare these two phono-preamps? Linestage would be an LS-26 paired with a 150.2 amp. Thanks for the input.
The PH-7 really plays in a differnt league than the PH-5, in both performance and price.
Thanks for the help. Hearing from folks who have done the straight on comparison within their own system removes so many variables. It's interesting--the reviews of the PH-5 are not uniformly positive. Not sure why this may be the case. Greg--what happens when you go from the PH-5 to the PH-7? Also, does anyone know how a GSNC modified PH-5 might compare to the PH-7 or other top flight phono stages? If I go PH-5 that would be an option down the road.

Thanks for the assistance.

I just got done auditioning the ARC PH3, the PH3Se and the PH5. I am buying the PH5. It was clearly better than both of the PH3 units. A used PH3SE is worth the little extra money over a used standard PH3.

The PH5 had better, (deeper and more controlled) bass. Threw a wider and deeper soundstage and seemed to integrate better with my system. Also having the remote to switch between settings, makes setup MUCH easier.
Have owned ARC's PH-3SE and Ref Phono units, have heard the PH-5 and currently own a PH-7. Believe the PH-5 to be a notable improvement over the earlier PH-3SE.