ARC LS22 and pre tubes

I am looking for 8 "good tubes" to replace the eight Sovtek 6922 with a low budget. Please give me an advice.

You need the manual or schematics usually. AR will help if you call them. You need a pair of tubes for the gain stage (Most likely the pair closest to the outputs) and a pair for each input. The sockets should be labeled in some way such as v1, v2, v3 and so on.
If you only use cd, you only need 4 tubes.
Ls22 has a pair of input tubes then 2 pairs of voltage gain tubes then a pair of Cathode Followers. The tubes have 2 channels per se and the Balanced uses both for a extra 6db of gain vs the unbalanced inputs.
So V1 and V2 are most important to be quiet and have the sound you like and V3-V6 will increase the gain and shape the sound some more. And maybe someone can learn me on what is important about the Cathode Follower positions.......
Jiceman, FWIW in my SP10 I used 6h23s (low noise/rugged) in the critical positions but I found I can put 'colored' tubes in the cathode follower positions (which do not add any gain and are less demanding on noise issues). I long ago gave up trying to get tone from the critical positions.

The cathode follower tube/circuit provides no gain but affects the output so that you can drive long runs of IC's. Google it - I'm sure there are many thorough explanations there.
V1 and v2 is the first stage ,v3,v4 is a cathode follower,v5 and v6 second stage and v7,8 cathode followers.Most important of all is to pair the inside tubes as close together[v1,2,,5,6]And you can not leave tubes out!