ARC amp differences.


I got a chance to listen to some Adonis Faber Serifinos the other day and absolutely loved them. They were detailed, but also musical. It was paired with a ARC VT-80. 

I was actually thinking that maybe I go up a notch and look at the ARC reference 80s but it was not available for demo. They did have the ARC 160s.

would it be to assume ithat if I like the 160s with the Serifinos then I would also like the 80s? If I like the 160s jugs that kind of power just overkill. My listening space is 20x14 and I will rarely try and super loud. 


if anyone has other tube amp recommendations pls feel free. I am looking for that slightly warm of neutral sound that holds the detail. 



Showing 4 responses by cundare2

@ghdprentice: Sllightly off-topic, but I may have the opportunity to pick up either a Ref 75 or a VSi75SE at an attractive price. In your opinion, speaking from the perspective of sonics only, (I know we're comparing an integrated & a power amp), is there enough of a difference to warrant a multikilobuck price difference? I have a Harbeth-based system and am also considering Hegel and Levinson integrateds in the $10K price range.


OK, thanks, that’s good feedback. FWIW, I’m an old Quad hobbyist / tube roller, spent years restoring pristine vintage ESL-57s & Quad 2 monoblocks, but had to sell them when I moved to an electrostatic-unfriendly part of the world. I’d love to have an exclusively ARC signal path, but there’s simply no room here for two large tube components. Which is one reason I’m looking at SS boxes like the Hegel H590/600 & ML 5805 -- size & weight are an issue. The VsI75SE, a 40-pound, physically small integrated, was pretty attractive -- esp given Harbeth’s reputation for being "Quad-like" (yeah, I know, I know!). But with you confirming that it’s not in a class with the Reference series, maybe it’s out of the running. FWIW, I was also considering PrimaLuna, HiFi Rose, and McIntosh integrateds, but as terrific as they’re said to be, I don’t get the impression that they’re in the same sonic league with ARC, ML, and Hegel. Too bad, b/c from a connectivity/functionality standpoint, they’d make life a lot simpler. Jeez, the VSi doesn’t even have a sub out or HT bypass!  The thing is, this time around, I’m willing to do whatever's necessary to get the best sonics -- so long as my new system physically fits into the room!  I'm so sick of my current silicon Class D amps.

Well, thanks for the clarification -- that does make a difference.   From what I've heard, the VSi75 is significantly more "ARC" than the "entry level"  I/50.  So again, your first-hand experience and educated comments are very helpful.  What model speakers were you listening through, btw? 

At this point, I'm still torn about not being able to compare Levinson or Hegel to ARC in person.  It would require a full-day air flight from here for me to hear any of those three.


I was just reading a comment that Alan Shaw (Harbeth) recommends that his speakers be used with SS ampllification. Interesting, if true.