Aragon State one help

I just purchased a used Aragon Stage one. I run a turntable into AUX analog input. The volume for that input is much lower than for others such as DVD. I would like to A/B compare turntable to DVD but the volume is so far off between the two. The input level function seems to make no differnce on the AUX input. Any ideas how I can adjust the input level for the AUX/turntable input?

Also, the volume defaults down to -20 every time you leave a source and then go back to it. Is there any way to bypass that function?

I have a phone stage. Sorry I didn't say earlier. It's a Jolida 9 and the cart is a Denon 301r. There is an input gain adjustment for the Aragon but it doesn't seem to do anything for the AUX input. I makes a difference when play a cd through that input, the level or gain goes up and down but not for the AUX input. I can try another anolog input for the TT. The Jolida is set for the low output cart setting so that should be the highest level out of that unit.
You will need a phono stage. The AUX input is a high level input and doesn't reequalize the RIAA. Radio Shack sells a basic phono stage for $30 bucks or so. You can also spend much more...