Aragon 8008 mk2

Good morning.


I have an Aragon 8008 mk2 amp and Aragon 28k mk2 preamp,  Both work fine, but was wondering if I upgraded say to something like a Parasound HALO A21+ , how much of an upgraded would that be. Or maybe keeping the 8008 amp and getting a different preamp like a Rogue or something along those lines.  . 

Thank you in advance. 


Showing 1 response by jjss49

if the aragon pair are still in very good shape with transistors and power supply caps recently checked out and performing within spec, i would think it would be at best a lateral move to the a21+

the parasound amps may sound warmer tonally but i think you would need to go to a parasound jc model to better the 8008, which was, and is an excellent amplifier