Aragon 4004mkII vs 8008BB

Hey, anyone compared these two amps? They are rated similarly, but i wondered if there was much improvement with the 8008BB. If anyone has any experience with both i'd like to hear it. Also if you have heard an amp at the same price point that beats it i'd be curious to hear about that as well.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkmorris

Showing 1 response by gcp

Agree the 4004mk II is getting old and was and still is preferred as the more musical amp by me over the 8008bb. I now have a totally updated 4004mkII. Aside from looking like new inside, it has taken first chair and made it easy for me to sell my entire amp collection from Marantz, Peachtree, EVS, Virtue Audio, bel canto to big MF, Krell, MAC2200, Belles and Cary. All gone with zero regrets. Can't get over how dead silent this beast is! Huge and deep stage and solid images even in the back. They are simple and muscular amps by design and they sound it. This one barely gets warm. Updated version is not slow and remarkably nuanced for a beast. Detailed and transparent but not wispy, light and airy here. Images are well located and have weight. Definitely a key part of recreating a credible (neither diminutive nor exaggerated) musical presence.