AR-2ax. On the Prowl. Typical Issues???

This discussion has me on the prowl for a pair of AR-2ax Speakers. 

Anyone have advice, what typically needs doing? What questions to ask? 

thanks, Elliott





Showing 2 responses by fiesta75

I think you probably already know. Woofer surround, I don't recall if they were foam or cloth. Change caps in crossovers. Not very efficient but a darn good sounding speaker. To my knowledge, no problems with either midrange or tweeters, Just be sure to check and see if they are matched because they had a couple design variations. Good luck!

Sounds like a fun project, thanks for the trip down memory lane. The first time I heard the same was in 1971. Before then I had only heard Sansui and Pioneer. That day I realized how much better sound could get.