Aquafina for record cleaning

I just bought a bottle of Aquafina water as it has been touted here on Agon as very pure. It measured 1 ppm with my water meter while the water from my under sink RO unit with three filters measured 7 ppm. FYI. Don

Showing 5 responses by dan_ed

Oh. Well, that's different.

Seriously, I didn't mean to come off like an arse so sorry if I was terse.

Hey, there are 2 obscure SNL references in this thread. Nice!
I prefer to use water that is purer than both Aquafina and what comes from a home RO unit.
Everyone is free to use whatever they wish. Hell, some even put Elmer's Glue on their records. That and Aquafina are most definitely not my choices. Who is Fremer and why is he the definitive opinion?
That's it? He writes for a magazine and has more money to spend so he's the expert? As I said, everyone is free to do as they wish.
"But thanks for being so open-minded" That is exactly my point. Taking Fremer at his word is not really open minded from my point of view.