Aqua La Scala Optologic Mk2 on the cheap, used and sub $3000?

I’ve had a great time with a borrowed Aqua La Scala Optologic in my system. Played with the Antipodes CX / Ex combo (also borrowed) the sound was sublime, palpable and emotionally connected me to the music. Given the evolution of digital and the significant depreciation involved, I’m a real fan of used at the moment.

I picked up a good deal on a 1TB Innuos Zen MKiii. With my current Ayre Codex, it’s decent, but nowhere in the same league as the Aqua. The Aqua design appeals for a couple of other reasons:

1) I believe R2R is a better way forward on PCM, it just sounds right!
2) I’m heavily invested in high Rez (SACD) and I require that ability
3) I firmly believe the more you transform the bits, the more damage you can do the the SQ. Therefore I don’t want to have Roon convert DSD to PCM on the fly. For me, The DAC needs to handle DSD natively.

If it wasn’t for the DSD, a MHDT Orchid modded by Grannyring, or the Tubadour iii SE are highly regarded music makers and easy choices. What then with R2R and native DSD at a more economical used price point? (The La Scala sells for approximately $4k)

Sure there is the Aqua La Voice S3, for the $1000 less used, I’m told the La Scala is the better value in spite of the cost differential. Part of the cost of the Aqua line is on the ability of the boards to be upgraded, the other is labor costs in Italy verses the Orient. Too bad these other guys don’t offer DSD!

I’ve heard the Lampi Amber 3 might be a good choice, though I’ve also heard it’s a little more forward particularly with PCM. Getting the overall timbre color and tonality correct (the meat on the bones if you will) is really important to me, if the DAC gets this right, usually lesser recordings are more listenable. So what else is there?


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