AQ Speaker Cables: Gibraltar vs. Mont Blanc?

I am trying to choose between Audioquest's Mont Blanc & Gibraltar speaker cables. The Mont Blanc's have been discontinued, so it's hard to get a read on how they compare. Can anyone give me a sense of which is the better cable?

I am contemplating a single bi-wire set up - quad connectors at the amp & dual at the speakers. Would either of these cables be better suited for this set-up?

Showing 2 responses by gshepardbuster

+1 for Colorado, got a pair running into a phono pre.  Had owned the Oaks for about a year and am now using Wildwood.  I did demo the Gibraltar which made me a cable believer!  
Thanks hifiman5.  I had Oak with Colorado and it was a fine combo.  I guess the reason I went with Wildwood and Wild Blue was I was so impressed that I wanted even more.  I also have a few Niagaras mixed in.