AQ Firebird vs Hurricane Power Cord Comparo

Has anyone compared the two? I am burning in a Hurricane HC cord on my preamp (too much trouble removing my Elrod Silver from power conditioner and wall and connecting to pre, and moving Hurricane to where Elrod was). As it burns in (about 75 hours so far) I am mighty impressed. Audible increase in transparency, realism in midrange and depth and tightness of bass. Now of course considering the Firebird, if there is an audible step up. Dragon cost-prohibitive as new PC. Thx.
I do not have a hurricane; I have a firebird 2 m  between the wall and the conditioner and it's ok, and between the conditioner and the amplifier I have Dragon 1 m; The dragon I bought recently has only 36 hours of operation; both cables are silver; is a good dynamics but I can not compare it to Hurrican because I did not try it; but firebird is a good price / quality cable ....
Though I understand wanting to know if there are differences, considering how your cables are not run through, I , personally, would not consider thinking of the other choices until everything settles in.

 I do understand that you want to have the best, but there comes a point when it can become a bit obsessive.
(FWIW, every step up with AQ delivers a noticeable, and usually positive, change).
My 2-3 cents...
Thanks, Bob. Agree with allowing settling in before doing anything else, BUT, obsession arrived a few decades ago and will not leave!