Apple TV with External DAC?

Anyone using a Apple TV to play music with a external DAC?

I am getting my integrated tube amp soon and was thinking of getting a DAC (tube audio design TADAC) to send my apple tv and dvd/cd player to.

I've also heard that the apple tv dac is actually pretty good.
yes. And again, I think it is better than the cd player I had. If you connect a DAC through optical, please post your results!
I'm using an Apple TV as a source. It replaced an Arcam CD92 and it's better in my system (Von Schweikert VR2s, Blue Circle NSCS). The GUI is so good. It is just in a different league...

I don't have an external DAC but I'm thinking of adding one. Note that the Apple TV has optical out only (the USB port is inactive....)