Apple's Music Store - The Future of Music

Apple just launched it's on-line music service this week, selling tunes at $0.99 a piece. Here's an article about the service from today's Globe and Mail, which is a Canadian national newspaper:

If major labels put more and more focus on these web-based services, will there come a day when CD's, SACD's, LP's, etc. will no longer be available? Since I question the quality of MP3 and PC-burned disks, how will the audiophile market be served?

Showing 1 response by dmcewan

I don't that it is quite the "Future of Music", but for many people it is a convenient, guilt-free way of obtaining music online. The ability to purchase a couple of tracks from a disc is a great achievement of this service. That it is being done by Apple is icing on the cake for many.
Myself, I'm not interested. I work in the IT industry and spend plenty of time in front of (and behind) computers. I have no desire to spend any time listening to music on any of my computers.
I have but don't often use the mp3 capability of my handheld computer. Also, I rarely find myself in a place where I want to listen to my mp3 player.
I find that going through the effort of ripping cd's and then burning them to an mp3 player or another cd is just not worth it.
Of course, I also realize that my views do not reflect that of the majority of the target audience of the major record labels.