Apogeee/Bryston Advice needed

Looking at the Bryston B100st to mate with Apogee Slant 6/ARC CD 3, with Rigde Street Poeima IC. Would the sound be too cool or too analitical? Speed wise the Bryston should be a good fit, opinions please? Thanks

Showing 4 responses by rsjm80

to help musical tastes are; soft rock, blues, new age, alot of female leads in my mix.
Muralman, I know that tubes is probably the best match but...I'm an SS guy and had beeen looking to Mcintosh also, but I know know how good the Bryston could be. Am I looking wrong direction (as I'm staying with SS)? Should I be instead, thinking of just a cable change instead to slove the direction I want to go? The Classe/ARC/Apogee will out live me the way I treat them but I'm looking to get that "best" combo I can do and not change any more. Maybe I already am "netural" as set up and I'm looking too expensive with my change intention or am I wrong? The Bryston would kick the bottom again like the Aragon 2002 did that I had before, just don't know the sound, but help is what I need.
using strictly my ARC CD 3 as my front end, I think that the Bryston might be too revealing with ARC CD 3 and I'd be caught with an over anilitical or etched sound, it would be a boost in the bottom end again but, I think I have to look tword maybe a Mcintosh (MA6300 or MA6500)instead that might be a better fit, just can't find 'em locally at all to listen!