Apogee Mini Grand Questions

I'm looking at a used pair of apogee Mini Grands locally.
They appear mint, very well taken care of. I've heard the Calipers before & I did like them a lot. My video (living)
room is 32' by 13' feet with video at one end, these will be set up in 2 channel at the other end. I'll audition them w/my Aragon 4004MKII &/or Pass Aleph 2s. I've been told these have an internal crossover. I can borrow a Pass X-350 from my friendly local dealer if I want....
Any suggestions on setting up these Apogees to get them dialed in quickly? I can audition them for a few days.



Showing 2 responses by info842c

Man, talk about experienced advice, from a prior Apogee dealer no less, falling on deaths ears.
BTW, the cheap Mini Grand "DAX" is the cross over, as referred to in my prior post.
Embarrassing that they call this is a DAX, as to imply it is anything similar in quality of a real DAX.
Truthful advice is not always what one wants to hear, simply it is what one needs to hear, which is the opposite way the bulk of the hi-end audio business is run.
Mini Grands flopped. Why? Subs and the mini DAX are close to worthless, and to make things worse, they had to live up to the standards of the Stages. We used the Stage subs as stands.

More info: http://www.ApogeeAcoustics.com

Throw away the subs, they are worthless.
For laughs, look inside at how they were built
(they sound as bad as they were built).
Stages are fantastic, but Mini Grands are not.
Apogee's are light, delicate, transparent, and have great air.
The Mini Grand subs are the exact OPPOSITE. Booming mess,
and the cheap x-over they come with does not help.
Buy a set of Stages, preferably with Stage stands, and then go
with a Muse Model Eighteen subwoofer or an Entech.
If it's mostly for video than maybe just a Velodyne instead.
Note: I have owned several pairs of Stages and used them with and with out subs.
Entech produced the best sound with them (need a very fast sub to keep up with them!).
Good luck, and be CAREFUL if using Stages in a video application
(damage the ribbons and you will be in trouble).

More info can be found here: http://www.ApogeeAcoustics.com