Anything that is like Norah Jones?

Sadly, her second album has only 3 songs and one is from the previous one.

Could anyone suggest me anything that is like Norah Jones album, in term of music-wise and her-voice-wise? It not really Jazz, blue, soul or pop rock, but it's like a little bit of everything putting together and work out beautifully.

Thanks a lot,

Re" Eva Cassidy: "Songbird" is a compilation CD. Start there and if you like it buy them all. She died and there are a only a few CD's released, last one in August was "Imagine".

Eva Cassidy 'Live at Blues Alley'. The best of the Saturday night show. 'Songbird' is the entire 30+ song set. The Friday night set was supposed to have been recorded as well, but wasn't. And on Saturday she was starting to come down with a cold. Still one of the most remarkable recordings I've ever heard. She could sing the wheels off anything. And on that Saturday night, she did.