Anything new with digital room correction?

Last time I tried DRC I was not too happy with it.
It was TacT Audio RCS 2.0, although it did the job and took care of LF problems, it robbed music of transients, dynamics and details were seriously affected.
Is there DRC that would allow you to specify range in which it works, for example deal with 400Hz down, and do not touch I any way anything above 400Hz?

Showing 2 responses by acoustat6

Sahav says, "Yes, I have a couple of nulls above 100Hz, but not exceeding 3-4dB."

How do you know this? How do you know what is happening in the lower freq (20hz to 100hz)? Just curious.

Hi, Shashav said, "I measured it using TACT".

Thanks for answering.
Job well done!
