Anyone with experience with Spendor D9's?

Curious to know... they are Spendor’s modern big boy speaker... I have not heard it. Reviews of course are always suspect and not that informative.

Wondering if there are any owners here or others who have in depth knowledge of how these sound, compared to the usual suspects that would be cross shopped... upper Harbeths, ProAcs, KEFs...

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Showing 1 response by ddafoe

I've owned D9s for a few years and am very happy with them.

My previous speakers were Magico S1s, and I decided to try a bunch of UK speakers and tried the typical list:  Harbeth SHL5+, 40.2, B&W 804D3, KEF Reference.

One of the dealers mentioned I should also try the D9s and I personally thought they stood out of that crowd for what I was looking for.

I really like their midrange and bass/dynamics, and their high frequencies to me were more resolving and fun compared to the Harbeth, without being too detailed like what I was finding with my Magico Beryllium tweeters.

Unlike the previous poster, I actually think coherency is one of their strong suites.   I think they are pretty nicely balanced.   I agree with the comments that neutral to slightly sweet/warm upstream components likely work best generally, as I don't find they add any warmth.   I'm running them with a Pass X250.8 and an R2R NOS DAC and I don't find them too detailed or forward at all.

There is another similar thread to this one you might be interested in...
