Anyone using their Jolida JD 100 as a transport?

I'm looking to get a more detailed and dynamic sound out of my CDP. I'm thinking of hooking up an inexpensive DAC to my Jolida JD 100 CDP.

I have never used a DAC before, and could use advice on a decent DAC / digital cable combo for approx. $600-$800 (used).

My other option is to sell my JD 100 CDP and get a used Meridian 508.24 or Arcam CD23.

The rest of my system is as follows:
Speakers: Silverline Sonata II (due in two weeks)
AMP: BAT VK 200 (ss)
Pre: BAT VK 30 (tube)
I/C for source: Purist Venustas (in-transit)

Any advice / suggestions would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by jalapenos

As a former owner of the JD100, I am one of the very few who was not impressed with it at all. I tried several different tubes, power cables, and IC's, but to no avail -- it still sounded lifeless and bloated to me.

For a more detailed and dynamic sound, you could hardly go wrong with an Arcam, even their entry level cd73 packs tons of detail. For all the improvements of an Arcam player with true musicality and finesse, try a Rega Planet, or better yet, a Jupiter.