Anyone using McIntosh with Vandersteen Quatros

I have Vandersteen Quatros with a McIntosh 2275. Wondering if anyone else has or tried this combo. Any thoughts or suggestions regarding this combo would be helpful.

Cables are the Anti Cables. The DAC is the Channel Island with the optional power supply.
How do you like your quatros? How were they to initially set-up? I know I am not answering your original thread but I had to ask. ;)

Joe in Mobile
I can't imagine it would not be an excellent pairing. Do you own it, or are you contemplating it?
Yes, I own it. Setup of the Vandersteens is a bit of a chalange. The Vender tells me I have a bass problem in my room and I need to buy bass traps. I am hoping to chat with anyone who has been through this to see how long it took to setup the Vandersteens and or any experiance with this equipment combo. I thhink they are both good equipment but thus far I have not felt the majic.
Ive never had your speakers but own a Mac amp.I borrowed some anti-cables once just out of curiousity ,IMO straight wire from Lowes worked out about the same.So I would suggest dumping those and going with a better quality cable for starters..As far as bass traps I made my own,lots of DIY info on the net and youll save big $$$ going that route/cash saved will pay for those better cables.
Although I've owned both brands I can't comment on this combo. But if you're looking for bass traps, FWIW, I've had good luck with these:

GIK Tri-traps

They're effective, relatively cheap, and don't look awful.