Anyone Using Harbeths with Grilles off?

Curious whether anyone prefers their Harbeths this way. I would imagine it's room dependent-- they are obviously voiced with grilles on but if your room is unusual (like mine is) maybe they sound better this way. The highs are getting eaten up by furniture and old ears and a strange loft type room at my place so it's working here.

Showing 1 response by snackeyp

I always listen with the grilles on (40.2A).  
I have tried them with grilles off and preferred the grilles on.  They sound great either way, but to my ears they sound better balanced with them on.  There is a slight increase in the highs and mids with them off.  Many folks might prefer this sound, but to me it is fatiguing over longer listening sessions.  I'm 56 years old and as I've gotten older I find certain high frequencies cause fatigue more than when I was young.  
There is no question that they look a lot cooler with them off.  Sometimes I have to take them off just to remember how beautiful they are.  But visual distraction is not ideal for listening.  It's like a beautiful girl in church.  Hard to hear the message while being distracted by the view.  ;)