Anyone using Duelund VSF capacitor in Merlin VSM

Has anyone experience from using these capacitors in Merlin speakers.
I have a smaller room perfectly sized for my Merlin VSM-MX.
I just love them and wonder if they could be improved.
I use tube throughout system apart from Meridian CD player.

Many Thanks!

Showing 10 responses by pubul57

Boy, when you get them for your BAM, I have to imagine it is going to make a significantly great impact as those capaitors will proceed the entire chain execept for the source. Can't wait to hook them up.
Bobby, does the BAM need the buffering, is that why Passives just don't work right with the BAM?
I think I'll live with the MXe with MasterBAM for a long while. If I'm not happy now, then happy is too elusive and too much of a moving target. Of course, it is good news for those buying new that might have an even better version of one of the great speakers of all-time.
Seems like the benefits of mass and rigidity, to whatever degree they are so, or were ever an issue for the various iterations of the VSMs, has been known, or should have been known, for a long time, why implement that now? Whereas the Dueland seems to be the implementation of something that was not possible before, till Bobby found and realized signficant improvement in these capacitors - a new technology, that simply was never avaiable before. That is an upgrade that makes sense to me, and one that was not available during the previous 20 years of the VSMs evolution.
Thanks for the therapy:) But seriously, I do feel I am at a stage where I can stay with the MXe, love them, and not be looking for the next upgrade, especially one that would require selling the MXe. I look forward to hearing the Duelands.....
Clabe, did you mean Dueland capacitor, or is this a change different than the "Master" upgrade offered by Bobby?