Anyone using Duelund VSF capacitor in Merlin VSM

Has anyone experience from using these capacitors in Merlin speakers.
I have a smaller room perfectly sized for my Merlin VSM-MX.
I just love them and wonder if they could be improved.
I use tube throughout system apart from Meridian CD player.

Many Thanks!

Showing 1 response by cfchew

Hi all,

I just wanted to chime in about the Master BAM upgrades. I purchased a new pair of VSM-MXe from Bobby which I've been using for the past 1+ year. They replaced Dynaudio C1 monitors which were nice but needed much more power to get them going. The Merlins sound great with tube amps and don't need much power. I actually am currently using an Art Audio PX25 amp which only puts out 6 watts. I still have pretty good bass and plenty loudness in a room about 12x25x8 ft.

I was using the balanced BAM unit between a phonostage and my linestage, and a single ended BAM unit between my digital source (Modwright Transporter_ and the linestage). I sent the single ended BAM for master BAM upgrades and received the unit and Master RC's back last week.

I'm now using the Master BAM between the linestage and the poweramp, so that both digital and analog sources can use the BAM ( I don't have a tape loop in my preamp). Even though this configuration is not as recommended by Bobby, it sounds great where the previous BAM unit did not sound good after the linestage.

After so far probably about 15 hrs., I can attest to the above posters, better black background, better delineation of instruments/voices, increased size of instruments and stage height - I now notice on some recordings the voices actually coming from a height significantly above the speaker drivers, as if the person were actually standing up in front of the mic. Also most suprisingly, as I didn't expect this, the bass definition has improved and become more well delineated. The overall bass quality is shocking coming from a two-way 6.5" speaker, and especially with 6 watts pushing them.

Sounds like another plug for the Merlins but the Master BAM makes a speaker that was already amazing and turns it into a speaker that sounds better and suits me better than any number of speakers I have listened to, which cost up to 40k. None of the speakers I've heard have the overall righteous sound of the Merlins.

My system:

Merlin VSM-MXe
Nirvana SX-Ltd speaker cables
Einstein tube MKII linestage
Einstein balanced phonostage
Modwright Transporter source
Nottingham space 294 table with SME312 arm, Lyra Skala
Antipodes Audio Reference interconnects
Stealth hyperphono phono cable