Anyone use the tweeter attenuation on Maggies?

Ok, I am in the process of demoing a pair of Magnepan 12QRs from local dealer and they are doing exactly what I hoped in the three-dimensional soundstage area but come across as too bright for my taste. My room is well damped so that shouldn't be the problem. The dealer said the speakers were broken is so not the problem either.
My question is, has anyone tried using a 1 ohm resistor in the tweeter path to soften it a bit. The manual mentions this method so it must have been brought to their attention many times. Any other suggestions?
My room is 11X13, maybe a bit small for the speakers but as I said, it is well treated so the only problem is visual.
Basic system is Resolution Audio CD-50 (very smooth), Bel Canto Pre3 and PS Audio A-100. Speakers that work best for me have been the Meadowlark Audio Kestrels. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by audioconnection

Put in the 1.2 ohm resistors and listen
should be what the DR ordered in most rooms
dont worry what the other kids say if you like it.
Cheers Johnnyr