Anyone use Koetsu with Harbeth


I was looking for whether any koetsu cartridge users have had positive experiences using it in a system including harbeth speakers...please assume my tonearm and TT and phono preamp are compatible with koetsu 



Showing 4 responses by karmapolice

I was thinking koetsu rosewood signature or platinum...hopefully latter budgetwise... 

I ask about it because my current cartridge is lyra kleos and its wonderfully transparent in my system. but perhaps a little richer warmer sounder cartridge might suit me better....

However harbeth a bit warm so dont want overdo it....

I guess will try to convince friend who has koetsu to bring over one day when pandemic less prevalent and not on his TT to hear it on my system
thanks for all the information and input.  

I have played a lot of records in the last two days and tweaked the room acoustics and cabling a bit and find the pass lab monoblocks and harbeth 40.2 most of the time to be sublime for me so will probably just stay with the lyra kleos.  I think a warmer cartridge may backfire.  I listened to everything from sam rivers to pharoah sanders to stevie ray vaughan and eurythmics and sarah vaughan and the verve and kamasi washington.  All of it except for the kamasi sounded amazing.  the kamasi was a little bit muddy but that mastering and mix is challenging imho for any system....still enjoyable though.

I have a friend maybe down the road when the quarantine is loosened up who might be persuaded to bring over his koetsu but until then will just be very grateful for what I got
I decided to try the koetsu signature rosewood platinum and love it so far.  It's so natural musical balanced sounding...maybe will at some future point disappoint with some poorly recorded moder records but so far serious boogie and no fatigue...