Anyone Upgrade NAD D 3020 Power Cable?

Wondering if this is a worthwhile upgrade considering cost of NAD. If you upgraded the power cord what did you get and what improvement did you hear?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Showing 2 responses by revreed

@akg_ca , That was my thought process too, for the price point and performance level the cost benefit wouldn’t be justified. Thank you for your input.

@mesch the Pangea cable is what made me post this question, thanks.

@roberjerman that’s why I was asking what improvement they heard. 
@mesch you are right the D3020 is very light so a heavy cord won't work

@mesch @elizabeth the PC connector is a ICE  C5 so I would need an adapter adding another $25 to the cost. I think I will pass on the PC upgrade, especially not knowing if there would be any benefit.

Thanks to all who responded!