Anyone try the new Synergistic Research Orange UEF Duplex?

Can anyone please share their experiences and differences between the new Orange UEF receptacle to the Blue or Black....Or even compared to a Furutech GTX-DR NCF......

THX In advance...
Crickets. Imagine it would be like going from Blue to Orange Fuse, more of everything including a very satisfying sense of refinement. In other words pretty much like everything else I have ever tried from SR in like 30 years. If you need an outlet, Orange you glad Synergistic just came out with a new one?
Hi . I switch my ncf for orange..
i think the orange is better on everything...
the burn in is very important around 200h 300h.
the sound is most natural and warm with a very incroyable transparence. I have more detail !! Ncf is a good duplex the orange is easy better! Sorry for my english ;) 

The Orange Duplex starts with a new floating ground

Highly dangerous and illegal if in Australia.
Can a US Electrical Engineer comment on the laws in the USA?

Cheers George
georgehifi6,923 posts


The Orange Duplex starts with a new floating ground

Highly dangerous and illegal if in Australia.
Can a US Electrical Engineer comment on the laws in the USA?


It’s just an IG (Isolated Ground) duplex receptacle

I believe,
The base duplex receptacle the Synergistic Research Orange UEF Duplex starts out with is a P&S IG5362.

Now keep in mind SR can not disassemble and then reassemble the duplex receptacle in anyway. Doing so will void its’ UL listing. It also is against the NEC. So SR has to preform its’ magic to the outlet without opening it up.

IG5362 Pass & Seymour
