Anyone try modern 6sn7 Shuguang WE type vs NOS RCA,Ken Rad

I just bought a KT-88 amp that uses 6sn7’s and the matching preamp uses the 6sn7 tube also. It came with kt88 Shuguang WE plus and all 6sn7’s in the amp and preamp both came with the same Shuguang WE plus.

I have a huge stash of old 6sn7’s Ken Rads vt231, gray glass rca, Sylvania vt231 and many others. I am going to pull them out this week and see what these new production tubes can do.


I’ve never used new production signal tubes. To be honest the Shuguang sound pretty good but have never compared them to anything. 


What are your views on these new tubes are they even close or as good or even better? Are they cheap and will go up in smoke, thanks for any insight.


Showing 18 responses by lowrider57

I hope you get some answers, I’ve been asking about Shuguang WE 6SN7s on different forums with no replies.

I’m using Ken Rad VT-231s with Sylvania VT-231’s in my amp and the sonics are revealing, dynamic, and holographic.

Oh, I see there is a Shuguang Treasure CV181 as well.

More WE’s...

@paulcreed  the RCA grey glass is a very nice tube. It does exhibit a relaxed feel with warmth and good detail. What I look for these days is a more lively tube, neutral, focused, with a large soundstage. I listen to classical (all types). Would you say the WE Plus have these characteristics?

I'm looking forward to more of your tube rolling.

@tooblue  would you say the WE6SN7 Plus has similar qualities to Sylvania? I think I have every 6SN7 Sylvania except the elusive 6SN7W.

And Viva Tubes carries the WE Plus?

I’m not good with audiophile words but the Shuguang is clean, transparent, fast, kind of like the focus has been adjusted correctly on a lens. I think it’s very well balanced, neutral with nice air nice bass. Very musical tube while still being transparent 

Great description, Paul. This seems promising for my preferences in tube playback; clean, transparent, focused, musical.


@noske  Interesting, no dealer network. I would only buy the pair in the box, dont want any loose tubes from China.

Thank you @paulcreed 

They won't fit my amp, I'll check out adapters. They will fit my preamp, maybe I should start there.

 Who's the most trusted vendor to buy from? 

Paul, it's funny you mentioned the sound of your Ken Rads. I'm burning in a pair of NOS from Vintage Tube and there are rolled off highs and no bass extension. So yeah, you need some more hours on those tubes.


@paulcreed  My amp uses 6 input tubes. They are in pairs from front of amp to back. Measuring outer diameter at closest position there is 1" between L & R tubes. However, only .25" between front pair, middle pair, and rear pair. 






The MP-1 preamp is probably so revealing that you need to use noise-tested tubes. 

I’ve never signed up for Ali Express. I don’t like the idea of a Chinese based company having my personal info.

But, this is interesting:


@sandthemall  I spoke with Don when I was shopping for a preamp. There was a 3 month wait at that time. Using Shuguang in both stages of the preamp confirms what I've read, this pre is very revealing and realistic.

@markusthenaimnut  I remember reading about Shuguang closing down a factory. But it seems they are up and running with new production tubes.

From AA 2019...

@paulcreed  sorry, I was without internet yesterday. This sounds interesting, I'll PM you when I get home, 

Can anybody recommend quality octal adapters? The last set I bought was not an exact fit for an Atma-sphere amp. The dealer said there is some variation between pin spacing on adapters.

@markusthenaimnut , 

You've got all the correct information. Apparently the Shuguang factory is gone and the company has ceased production.

Another page turned and, apparently, the top engineers who had been involved in the Psvane venture left to form Linlai.

Apparently the Linlai production tubes are well regarded.

This advert confirms there are no reliable sources for Shuguang WE6SN7's...

There are many fakes of these in the marketplace and Shuguang Factory is being rebuilt due to fire so legitimate new ones are not available.

