I initially got a pair of their Pearl1 interconnects via ebay for about $75.00.It was impressive for the price paid,It was ultra transparent,fast but lacked a little in smoothness and bottom end heft.However it was good enough to surpass the top of the line Monster cable that I had been using and good enough for me to enquire whether they were planning a more high end offering.It tranpired that they were and I was sent a set of Pearl11 and the top of the line SuperMax cables to trial at $200.00 and $300.00 respectively.Bythis time I was using Nordost Quattro fil between my cd and pre and SPM between pre and power amp.Neither of the cables could touch the Quattro fil but both were at least as good as the SPM at considerably lesser cost. I ended up buying the Pearl 11 to replace the SPM I was trialling and kept my Quattro fil in place. the Super Max cable was excellent but for me could not justify the cost differential over the Pearl11.Recommend you give it a try and Eric is a good guy to deal with.