Anyone tried Soundsmith VPI Zephyr MI Cartridge

Has anyone tried or heard the Soundsmith VPI Zephyr MI Cartridge yet? I was just wondering how promising it really is. I am truly happy with my Dynavector D17 Karat Mk II and don't really think a cartridge that is the same price will bring me anything astonishing. I am curious since it is made with the VPI JMW arm in mind, I am using the Classic.

Showing 1 response by rensci

Thanks Macdadtexas and Bsme85... based on what Soundsmith and VPI had to say about the Zephyr, I assumed it and the Classic would work nicely together. Any more details about your experience? What type of music do you listen to? Low level detail? Overall tonal balance? Tracking ability? Apparent surface noise on less-than-perfect records? What do you like best (or least)? Etc?

If my bank account makes it through the holidays basically intact, I'll be cartridge shopping for my Classic next month.