Anyone tried Shunyata's Antares interconnect yet ?

I have heard that Shunyata's got a good interconnect with their new Helix construction with the Antares....Has anybody actually listened to it ??? If anybody has, let me know your thoughts.....

Showing 2 responses by mkilpi

I have now listened Shunyata's antares/orion cables few days in my system. I'm almost ready to buy them. They are great cables. They are really special in many things. Maybe the only thing that is bothering me is the bass. It is very fast and detailed, which are absolutely great things, but maybe little lean (as Dgad also noticed). But on the other hand, maybe shunyata is just offering more natural bass and other top cables I have used produce just unnaturally full bass. I don't know. What I do know is that shunyata offers bass that has more resolution and details than any other cable I have tried (Transparent, Siltech, Cardas, Analysis plus ..). Maybe it is the fastness and high resulution that causes the phenomenon that sounds of some bass instruments don't have that weight and dimensionality they ideally could have. Well, I still have 4 days time with antares/orion cables, so maybe I know more after that time.
Hello Earflappin. Shunyatas new signal cables are very interesting products. Have you been able to compare shunyatas signal cables to Transparents top models (reference, XL, MM or even Opus)? best, Mika