Anyone tried Auditorium 23 speaker cables ?

Anyone here have experience these speaker cables from Germany ?

I read these works well with tube amps, anyone here with experience on solid state amps with these cables ?

What speaker cables have you guys compared this with ?

Tks for inputs.


Showing 1 response by mskochman

Sorry to post to an old thread, but just bought a pair A 23 speaker cables and I am like dumbfounded by how much better they were than my Straightwire Rhapsody cables.  I can't believe what I was missing!  Everything just opened up - without a hint of edge. It's amazing how much more involving everything is through these cables.  It's like the straight wires absolutely deadened the music below 500hz.  I thought the problem was the speakers or amp.   these cables are a must listen to those w simple systems. I use them currently w a Blue Circle amp and JMR Cantabile. Soon to upgraded to Jadis and new JMRs!