Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic

I was wondering if anyone has switched from Electrostatic/Planar speakers to traditional dynamic speakers and if so, from what to what and why? Thanx!
I owned Acoustats and then went thru the Martin Logan line and ended with the Audiostatic four panel ES-600 system. After a 15 year relationship with electrostats filled with enjoyment (and some frustration), I came across a dynamic speaker that converted me. The Venture speaker is simply amazing. They are the first dynamic speaker I've heard with the top-end air and speed of an electrostat, but with better dynamics. The only thing they give up is the height of the soundstage that electrostats produce. Other than that, I've got nothing but praise for the Ventures. Just one man's journey, or should I say ad-Venture.
Hello, how nice, long time no hear Shubertmaniac, no, I went a far more crazy way, just to avoid, what you have mentioned. I have a master preamp, by which I drive several others, each linked through individual amplification to a wall of stacked stators (six per side ) (Quads, Sound Lab, Stax et al) and a couple thrown in at the side for ambiance.
Doesn't sound too bad in actual fact, but please don't ask hoch much my eletricity bill is. Cheers, Detlof
The MMG's were excellent speakers but I listen to alot of hip-hop and techno and was finding the lucid and delicate upper bass lacked the punch and slam of a good woofer. Its funny that their seemingly best quality was my biggest point of contention. Now I have a pair of Apogee Centaurus's, 26" ribbon w/ 8" Vifa Woofer, I'm happier with the ways these sound, plus the true ribbon is certainly superior to the quassi ribbon.
Detlof, how do you control volume with that setup. Correct me if I am wrong, but all those different speakers have different sensitivities thus would give different loudness to each different set of stats. I figured with parallel speakers that would not be an issue.
I want to change back after today! Give me Maggies! I tried to get a simple question answered by calling the Vandersteen factory. Don't try this at home. Man what an unpleasant experience that was! Buy form people who will treat you with respect. The folks at Magnepan were always helpful and polite, more than I can say for "Dick"!