Anyone Successfully Go from Floor Standers to Bookshelf Monitors w/ Subs?

My system is in a Large Living room which opens to dining room & Kitchen. I figure about 6k cu ft. I have Silverline Sonata speakers now with subs. Unfortunately I did not build my addition when I should have 10-15 yrs ago. Now I'm not really up to the task. Too old & wore out. So I'd love to make the LR a prettier room for my wife. One thing we talked about was the large speakers, and possibly using Watkins Gen 4 monitors. But as good as they sound, I am concerned about the ability to fill the room, or at least my listening area. As I understand, it is about moving air. I cannot see how a 6.5 & 1 inch speaker can move as much as a 10, 7, 3 & 1 inch. So I am quite concerned about that. Right now, the system sounds very pleasing to both of us. We don't want to take a backward step but can live with a sideways step if it is more visually pleasing.

Has anyone made this kind of a step from floor standers to monitors, both with subs, in a large room, with success? Or am I thinking correctly about the small speakers inability to move the proper amount of air for the room size? Thanks for your help.

OH, FWIW, The addition may not be completely out of the picture. But it depends on whether I can get one of my previous sub contractors to do a large part of it. 

Showing 4 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @lee_r_allen :  ""  In my current system, the mid/bass drivers handle both the midrange and mid bass, down to the 24dB sloped crossover point at 55 Hz. I think the wider bandwidth the mid/bass drivers handle results in just a bit of compromise compared to the dedicated midrange driver.  ""

Absolutely rigth about that " heavy " compromise for that speaker driver.

You own very good quality system but your speakers as any other passive two way design develops high levels of IMD and THD rigth on that speaker driver.

I think that you can forget for ever the Revels if you mates subwoofers with the Micro Ones crossing both: subs and main speakers at 80hz-90hz or even 100hz.
In that way you liberates the Mini Ones on those frequencies that are developing the " problem ".

The rewards that comes from that crossover changes are outstanding. I think you could try it.

Btw, the best self powered subs you can mates with any main speakers is the Mini Sub by EA not your JLs.

Dear @lemonhaze : For one seat position/sweet spot two true good designed subs are enough.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Dear @audiorusty @artemus_5  : I forgot that crossover frequency that's so critical and my take is to have the frequency crossover around 80hz-100hz.
In this way the monitors or today speakers will run/handled frequencies from 80hz-100hz and all the way up to its hig frequency limit.

Dear @artemus_5 : Normally you don’t need to worry about the monitors can fulfill your room because will does it even more than enough.

You have rigth now a " big " true problem with your Sonata speakers. Yes I know that you like it but this " you like it " just does not helps to disappears the problem.

Problem name is IMD ( InterModulationDistortion. ) high levels ( that you are accustom to. ) and THD too and the problem comes because the manufacturer designer choosed as crossover frequency 1.5khz and this means that that driver/woofer handled frequencies as low as 25hz all the way over 1.5khz.

We don’t add a paiir of self powered true subwoofers to achieve lower bass levels, this is an advantage to integrates subs but the main issue is to lower the IMD/THD of your room/system and this always will has a rewards because you will listening better quality performance levels with a lot lower distortion levels.

Here you can read the why of my take about:

You can do it with your today Sonatas crossing two a pair of TRUE self powered subwoofers that today normally comes with an integrated software and microphone to make the rigth system integration.

Or you can do it two with these excellent monitors:

That’s why I posted to the gentleman that asked for the Wilson Alexx V one alternative with monitors/subs that with any single doubt will outperforms any full range passive speakers.
Unfortunatelly the overall knowledge levels on the specific issue is lower than what we think and not even " professionals " reviewers as M.fremer has it when for years is using full range Wilson speakers. Yes he is wrong when does it and the overall full range speaker owners could achieve good rewards if just think/learn how to outperforms what they have rigth know with a really small investment on monitors/subs alternative. That gentleman on the Wilson V instead to ask for a better alternative just wants to follows behind what he is accustom too even if it’s not the best path for him.

High Quality room/system levels is not about just money but mainly about knowledge levels.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,