Anyone Still Using Zerodust

Haven’t heard anything since the original scare, but I stopped using it. I think I never had a problem because I always swipe with LP#9 between sides, as per Brooks Berdan’s advice. One recent video said Wally discovered some type of oil on the ZD. I regularly cleaned mine with dishwashing liquid, which could have removed any residue. 


Showing 2 responses by boothroyd

. . . uses a specialized xacto knife to scrape hardened ‘gunk’ off a used diamond stylus (under high magnification) to bring back to life when possible.

Been there, done that. Was informed in both cases that (extensive) use of a stylus preservative was used. Simple cleaning with brushing would not remove the white crust that had buried the stylus. 

Yes, I’ve been using the ONZOW ZeroDust for 15+ years and will continue.

It’s a great product when used as intended and very economical in the long run with periodic cleaning.