Anyone still do insightful or intelligent lyrics?

I have always loved lyrics as much as music and think that music I enjoy must be a combination of both good lyrics and good musicianship. I love some of Paul Simon's lyrics from as far back as the '60's. He was only 16 when he wrote "Sounds of Silence." There are dozens of other examples from Simon and Garfunkel.

Lyle Lovett has written some great lyrics i.e. "Simlpe Song."

Bob Seger, Jackson Browne, Hoyt Axton, John and Paul, Mick and Richard, Emmylou Harris, Gordon Lightfoot, and even Midge Ure have written things that impressed me, but I find very few people writing great lyrics anymore!

Is anyone writing intelligent, insightful lyrics anymore?

Showing 1 response by pe3046

In this day and age, the lyrics of VNV Nation's Ronan Harris seem to really speak to the disillusionment and frustration that a existentialist feels while looking back into the society that surrounds us. They are as intelligent and timely at this point in my life as was Bad Religion's when I was a kid, hearing Against the Grain for the first time and realizing that their were others who don't take what it spoonfed to us at face value but rather form their own opinions.