Anyone running Schiit Audio Freya preamp and a pair of Vidar power amps? What speakers?

If  so what speakers are you using? Do you have any of their other units in the chain? Do you like the sound, and if so describe the characteristics that appeal to you.
Anyone running Schiit Audio Freya preamp and a pair of Vidar power amps? What speakers?

Sounds/looks to me like the best "new" bang for buck setup one can get, and from what I saw inside the Vidar's, they look to be able to be increased in capacitance of the power supply by at least double, I'll keep a look out for these on the used market.

Cheers George
As far as sound quality, a single Vidar should sound better than a bridge pair if the single is doing it comfortably wattage wise, although you don’t have the wattage with a single, than you do with bridged pair.

Negatives with bridging amps:
1 More distortion
2 Less damping factor (higher output impedance) "bass control"
3 Less current ability
4 Not able to drive as low impedance as non bridged.

Positives with bridging:
1:More wattage

As for speakers if you look at the above, single or bridged Vidars
For inefficient (<85db) speakers, that have an easy'ish impedance load (>4-8ohm) go with the bridged Vidars
For efficient speakers (>85db) that are a not so easy load (2-4ohms), go with a single Vidar.

Cheers George
Freya has been back order with a Vidar for quite sometime...looking forward to KEF R1 using balanced vidars passive Freya balanced Yggy (A2).  Currently Magni 3 driving single Vidar....too much gain...but beautiful sound and deeper bass than should be possible from a stand mount sans sub woofer
I've had a Freya since last November and I think it's a giant killer of a preamp. Mine doesn't have some of the things people quibble about with these, it's utterly humless, the stock tubes aren't microphonic, and I hit the LEDs with some green magic marker to dim them (my only quibble, and trust me, a pain to remove the lid and get it back together with the LEDs lined up I did replace the stock tubes with NOS Sylvanias and it's simply a great sounding preamp with more inputs, balanced and otherwise, than most out there, and a flawless 128 step volume control system...for 700 bucks. I use it with a 12 watt per side single ended tube amp.
Where l can buy Schitt Freya tube Preamp? If someone know please  let me know.My email address is