Anyone remember the lateral tracking Bang and Olufsen record player from the 80’s??

I remember going to my local HiFi Buys in the 80’s, and they were demoing a Bang and Olufsen laterally tracking record player. The stylist arm was straight, and followed the record grooves, moving left to right. He started banging hard with his fist on it, and the needle refused to jump!! I was REALLY impressed! I also wonder why there are not any lateral tracking LP players today? It made sense, the needle was always tracking straight In the groove, as it played the LP. Not curving slightly as it gets past the middle of playing the LP, as conventional record players have the stylist arm on a corner. So, the needle slightly turns inward as the record plays. No idea how he was able to bang on it while it was playing, and the needle didn’t skip. I was truly impressed! Maybe they do make players like this still, I’ve just not seen them. B&O really made/makes some really cool stuff!! And great designs. IMO.
  Another audio product for the 80’s that blew me away was the: Nakamitchi Dragon cassette player!! WOW! What a stunning design! Wish I’d bought one back in the day!! Of course, try to find an audio cassette to play in it today! My sister’s teenagers had no idea what a cassette was, when I showed them one. I think very young kids today won’t recognize a CD disk! Forget about LP’s or 45’s.   Any of you remember a stunning audio piece, from the past, that blew you away? I was also thinking of reel to reel audio players as well. Man, they sounded SO good!! SO expensive today!   Thank god for music! Can’t watch the news without my BP spiking! And so little to do, everyone scared to meet in person. Too much free-time. Music keeps me sane. Crazy times we live in!

Showing 3 responses by savroof

I AM a certified “mechanical enthusiast”!! I FEEL you!! Wish I could find a Dragon for sale! 
             That is SO COOL!! Your story! I just thought as a 17 y.o., DAMN that LOOKS SO COOL!! I want one!!!  But my fast-food job at the time couldn’t afford it😢 I honestly thought that’s the COOLEST audio product I’ve EVER seen!! Then, at that same time, it was ALPINE!! EVERY H.S. kid with a new car, HAD to have an ALPINE stereo in it!! My first car, at 18, had an ALPINE cassette stereo, but mine pulled out, in case of theft, and had a HALTEC cassette playing head in it. I sold it at a hefty profit about 7 years later. I still remember the frosted buttons glowing green. So cool! And Ocean Pacific(OP) T-shirts. Amazing designs! Somebody NEEDS to bring those back!! 
Nobody , except ericvm6, has mentioned any audio product that blew them away in their teens, or college years. I mentioned the Dragon cassette player. I also STILL cherish my 30 y.o. Still working, looks brand new, SONY D-EJ1000 CD Diskman. NOBODY would dare make a portable CD player with the quality it has now. Wouldn’t sell. Zero plastic, all magnesium body and aluminum construction, except the cool blue-backlit remote. Love to play it, just needs an external amp as the headphone jack puts out only 5 milliwatts. I’m leaning towards Fiio’s portable headphone amp for it to drive my B&W P7 headphones. BEAUTIFULLY designed Diskman. I really think it’s a work of design art. SONY at its best! 😊😊😊 At my age, these are my “happy years!” No worries, happiest years of my life so far! Got to play with a Lamborghini Countach in 1997, seats were horribly uncomfortable! Smelled SO GOOD! Couldn’t see ANYTHING behind me! But it HAD the OEM ALPINE cassette player! I thought THAT (the ALPINE Lamborghini Countach poster) was a sexier poster than any swimsuit model when I was a teenager!!!
  And another iconic product (not really audio) but my still working Motorola RAZOR cellphone! Another design icon. Still works, the “Tron movie” blue backlight keypad. Will never sell it. Motorola just came out with a new one, but it sadly has been panned for many design flaws, and SO expensive!! $1500.00!! No thank you. Motorola BLEW IT!! Sad, I wanted one 😞.