Anyone Remember the Artemis EOS1 Skeaker System?

Hello to all!

Does anyone have memories of the Artemis EOS 1 2-way speaker system, how it

sounds, and possibly who designed this system? I occasionally hear extremely

good things about the sound of this system.





Showing 3 responses by fastcat95

roxy54:  Based on your memory, how would you say that they stack up compared to today's speaker offerings?  I remember reading that Kieth Johnson choose this speaker system to do the first expo of the HDCD system to the audio world, so I assume that they were quite good; I also remember that Stereophile (back around '90 or so) declared that they were one of the best speakers they had ever heard.


ricred1:  Having had a pair, how would you evaluates their sound qualities, particularly in light of current speaker offerings?