Anyone notice House's loudspeakers?

The SOTA turntable in his office is frequently featured on the show, but I believe that last night was the debut of his Deuvel loudspeakers.
Yes, he does have these speakers as well as the SOTA table and Thor gear.
He is often seen laying on the floor which is where you usually see the SOTA next to him.
It is also interesting to note that Hugh Laurie plays an amazingly convincing American Manhattan father in Stewart Little.

I am thrilled to think that my mother in law - who finds my electronics obsession ridiculous - is a huge Hugh Laurie/House fan so I will try to use that to my audio advantage.
...but I missed all this the first time around. I happened to have put it on my PVR. Sure enough, the speakers are near the piano (though there appears to be no good listening chair aimed toward them). The electronics are in the bookshelf to the left of the entry door and the turntable on the shelf below the Thor gear, with about 25 records. Of course, no speaker wire in sight. Couldn't tell if a SOTA was still in his office as well.

Interesting. Steve.
in a lampoon (it was hilarious, and they were dead on w.r.t. the 'house formula') I've had a hard time sitting through an entire episode of 'House' (though I occasionally liked it before).

I'll check it out again now though just for the gear siting though....
TV guide magazine did a feature about the House house and totally omitted the stereo. This was strange as there seemed to be an effort to emphasize the fact that he listens to vinyl.
Its funny to see Hugh Laurie called "the thinking womans' sex symbol" after knowing him from " Blackadder" and " Jeeves and Wooster". In both he he masterfully portrays a complete buffoon. Also in both he worked with Stephen Fry who happens to be in the movie I caught this afternoon "V for Vendetta". Cool flick.
Scroll to middle of page and see announcement at Thor Audio....
I only saw the Thor Audio pre/amp on a bookshelf/armoire near the entrance of his apartment.
I'm a big House fan but missed the speakers last night. I'll have to keep my eyes open.