Anyone listened to the 50th Ann Shuguang KT-88

I understand that Shuguang has released a 50th Anniversary "black glass" KT-88.Anyone compare these to the 88-98 or Gold Lion re-issue? Or contrast against the "Original" GEC/M.O. Valves.
Just like to keep informed on the current production tubes,as I use em' along with a few friends.
Thanks in advance,Tom.
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Wow! I just bought a nice quad from him about a month ago and at that time he had quite a few quads left. They sure did sell quickly! (O:
Hey Sherod, we still have the Penta Labs KT88SC's in stock. Perhaps the previous poster meant it wasnt a secret anymore? :-p
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I think "secret stash" was not the correct phrase. Maybe I should have just said that he had some in stock. Sorry, Doug.