Anyone listen to Music on a FM tuner anymore?

I’m not referring to streaming, I mean an actual FM turner. I haven’t had a turner for at least 15, probably more like 20 years. I had a high-end one that went bad years ago and even then I hadn’t really used it in years. Just wondering if anyone still uses one and why?

Added info: back in my college days there were lots of reasons, some great DJ’s in the New York City area and sometimes a live concert broadcasts that were great, but those times are long gone, as is most of my hair and my 32 inch waistline.....I’m not trying to judge anyone for still listening to music on a FM tuner, just asking for the reason to do so.

Hope everyone had a good holiday season.


Showing 1 response by realgoodsound

I have used a Denon TU-680 NAB for nearly 30 years year. Great sound; so sensitive and selective it' picks up stations after they've signed of (just kidding). I'm thankful to have a 24/7 local Classical station that uses no compression or processing whatsoever, WDPR 88.1. And,, a local school system has a share-time FM that through the day, programs Jazz with only modest processing. The Denon was designed to be an off-the-air monitor for radio stations, so it had to be of high quality. (In case you don't know, in the 90's, radio stations in the U.S. had to monitor their over-the-air signal in the studio so that whoever is on the air knew if the station was off the air. Not as much need now as digital monitors are even better.)