Anyone know anything about a Guild Stereodeon?

I have 'adopted' a Guild Stereodeon that I would love to learn about. Anyone have a clue on the rarity/value? Don't bother with a web search, as you'll likely pull up nothing more than my previous attempts at information gathering. I haven't seen any reference to it at all on the web.

I've tried antique dealers and radio collectors to no avail. No one seems to know anything about it. I've long since given up hope of finding much useful information, but if nothing else, I thought the posting might make for an interesting topic for conversation.

The beast is a console that looks like a piano forte with a fake keyboard, a center cabinet with fake expression pedals that houses a 10" subwoofer, two side firing satellite speakers behind hinged wooden doors, a turntable, and an AM/FM radio. All tube, or course.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Showing 1 response by ucb4ujoy97d6

We also received a Model 6420 by Guild Radio and Television Corp. Inglwood, CA as an estate gift. It orginally was purchased in the mid-sixties Los Angeles CA. The wood is dark maple,and in very good condition.

Clifton, NJ to LA. CA that suggest national distribution.