Anyone into quality vintage direct drive?

I grew tired of the Thorens 124 (Sold it) and am experimenting with vintage direct drive tables. Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by macrojack

Agee hit it. The thing to look for is a vintage direct drive that has been in storage for a long time. A lot of audiophiles put their turntable in the closet when CD took over and just left it there. I have 4 DD tables that I know were stored for a long time and one other one that looks like it was.
The suggestion to ignore low and middle level DD tables is also correct. The luxury models have better motors, more mass and better isolation and typically were cared for better.
With these models you can get a big piece of what Teres and Black Diamond are now selling for only 5% to 10% of the investment. Several of them are worthy of the best tonearms.