Anyone in the Mid-South have Tektons (Double Impact, Electron or Double Impact Monitors)?

Would love to listen to any of the above models if anyone would be gracious enough to let me do so. I am about two hours south of Memphis but am willing to travel a bit to come hear them.

I have read the glowing reviews, but I also would be interested in any and all opinions.

I do realize Tekton has a 60 day return policy and may ultimately go that route, but I would like to hear them, for starters, even if it's not in my own room.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
Hi @shawnmr2 

PM me with your email/phone info and I will reach out.

FYI, I have the Double Impact SEs.
Hello David,
I am considering the Electrons or DI's, I would be interested in hearing them. I am in Metairie.
@hoopster   You are welcome. No excuse needed to enjoy Jacques-Imos! : )   Keep me posted.

You are definitely close enough to make the trip. I'm about 5 hours to NOLA. Would also give me an excuse to go to Jacques-Imos! I will PM you, maybe we can set something up in the near future.


You are definitely farther, probably close to 10 hours, but I am planning to make a drive to PA this summer and you could be a detour.

Thank you both for your gracious offers.

I live in western North Carolina, about an hour and a half from Knoxville, TN.

Like david_ten, I have the SEs. They are still breaking in, but sound great. Let me know if that's within driving distance for you.