Anyone here tried Elco Cables

I was thiking of trying some of their Silver Ribbon Interconnects, any advice??
has anybody compared elco UDC-S with the VARIDIG and ILLUMINATI D-60, how does the xlr digital compare to the above models,wondering if anybody has good results using with DCScombo DELIUS/PURCELL AES/EBU 192HZconnections./sunil
I have just ordered the Elco silver biwire the sti-2 and CL200 speaker cables to use in a triwire setup for My Alons 5's . I will post as soon as the cables get here should be 2 or 3 days . I would love to here from other users of Elco interconnect and speaker cables feel free to e-mail me or post here. I use a tube preamp and tube power amp [A I mod 3A and VTL 125 mono block's]I use a 7 meter Cardas Neutral ref between pre and power and apex power cords on amp and Cardas golden ref on pre. Any thoughts on the eq or cables I love the apex power cords alas no longer made.
I, like a lot of people got Elco´s best Digital cable on an auction here for a good price. I was so impressed, I bought some of the Silver interconnects. They were good, but I moved up to the Gold, and tried the Ultimate SGI-999s. They are VERY impressive in every way. The build quality is "bulletproof" and sound excellent to me. I am upgrading the STI-2B to true bi-wiring with the Silver on top and CL-200s on the bottom.

Lake513, I would look forward to more comments now that you have used the cables for awhile. I do not claim to have golden ears, and live in Thailand where I cannot audition cables at will. But I use Elco everywhere in my 7.1 system with Apogee Stage speakers and Bel Canto PRePro/ eVo 6. It is sweet!!!