Anyone here reterminate a SR Master Coupler?

I have a 10ft Master Coupler X2, had the MPC  upgraded by Michael Spallone.
I'm trying to cable elevate all my cables, using AudioQuest Fog Lifters.

I like the Master Coupler. Quite a lot.

Not entirely sure I want to sell and try and buy another 20A power cord for my system.
Can they be re-terminated reasonably easily?
I ask before I blindly cut into it, only to determine that I'd made a costly, tragic error!


Showing 1 response by rixthetrick

Hahahahaha - I needed a laugh.
Thanks to you both.

So long as it’s not a dark matter thing, right?
Will different brands not play well together?

When I bought it, I wasn’t sure where the system would end up, the length of 10ft it gave me loads of options, which is cool and all. However now I’d have to run it across and back behind my system, and to get it up off the carpet/concrete will not be all the fun one might think it is.

**millercarbon - would it be prudent to hold onto my long 20A PC until after August?